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Sunday, May 22, 2011

my graduation!

I did it! I graduated last Sunday and it was GREAT! 
I feel like such a grown up now ;) But I wanted to show you a couple pics of my day.

My and my beautiful mommy <3

Me & my grandparent's in our newly decorated black & white kitchen.

Look what I did to my cap! :) I did this so she could spot me our quicker in the crowd of enormously tall people that go to Columbia. (I'm only 5'0, and everyone else if 5'6" and above lol)

My brother and I.

Right after I got my diploma :) (See what I mean about the tall people?? haha)

My besties came of course ;)

My & my honey boo.

I love this photo! I might turn it into a canvas..

And I got some pretty awesome presents from my peeps!

I got a bunch of sweet cards that totally made me tear up. I love everyone that got me one!!! 

Flowers from : Mike, Andrea, Jennifer, Melanie & Diana 

Me & my bestest friend Jennifer

Me and Miss Diana

 Balloons from Gaby & Mari and Jennifer

This card came all the way from California from one of my famous friends.  If you watch Glee, I'm sure you've seen her ;)

This one also came from a far away land known as Guatemala.

This 2011 Grad frame & jewelry box came from my cousin-in-law Melanie. She knows I'm all about custom things so I absolutely lovedddddd this gift! She even surprised me by sneaking it into my apartment when I wasn't home lol. I might make the whole 2011 frame with pix of me & her ;) She is the Serena to my Blair. <3

Me & Melanie

Here's another totally amazing gift that my friend Andrea & her husband Tonio got me.  Tonio's cousin made this custom art on a wooden paint pallet. Isn't this awesome? And what makes it even cooler is they used the quote I had on my graduation invitation

Me with Andrea & Tonio

And last but not least look what my boo got me. Another custom gift from Things Remembered. It's a charm bracelet that he designed. It was really difficult to get a good picture so I'll describe the charms. One is a graduation cap, another is a G for Ginny, another is a frame-so I gotta start looking for a good pic of us, and the last one is a heart with a beautiful inscription. It says "So Proud of You Boo!" on the other side "Love Always, Mike". *Sigh* he makes my heart melt. 

antelope video update

Hey guys! I thought instead of writing a huge post I would be lazy and make a video :) 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

nice antelope head

When I read blogs I go into a trance. Seriously, if I’m looking for ideas or just glancing at pages I’m completely disconnected from the world. I love looking at what other bloggers/designers/interior decorators are doing and what I can learn from them. I’ve noticed a lot of people are decorating their homes with animal trophy heads. I actually really like the look of them, but not the old school ones that your grandfather killed on his hunting trip. I’m talking a new sleek modern take on the trophy head. Z Gallery has the one I want. How cute is this?

But, since I’m living on pennies I couldn’t splurge on this cute sculpture *insert sad face*. So I let my dream go. I kept on looking at pages and found this amazing post on designsponge.
Yes my friends…that’s a hand made animal head you’re looking at.

When I saw this all I could think was

I think it’s way cooler than my Z Gallery one and it’s one of a kind!

Well, you guys know how I am …I can never pass up a handmade one of a kind ;)

I looked at her tutorial but I didn’t want to buy new stuff. I wanted this to be a free project so I opted for different materials. I went through my closet and grabbed 5 wire hangers, went in my garage and took a small cardboard box and went into the kitchen and took a couple jewel bags and old newspapers.

Then I just eyeballed it. I googled a picture of an antelope and made the neck with the cardboard, took the plastic bags and filled them up with crunched up newspapers for the head and bent some wire hangers for the ears and antlers.

I’m pretty happy with the structure so far. It really looks like an antelope head! Today I’m going to paper mache it, and see how it goes. Hopefully it won’t be too hard to put some details in.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

thanks urban outfitters!

My friend Griselda bought me some stuff from Urban Outfitters for my birthday. I adored her gifts but I also loved the bag it came in lol. Random, I know. The material of the bag was so cool, and it was designed so well that I couldn't just throw it away....so I kept it.

Its home was my bed railing for a while but after months of looking at it I decided it needed a better home. Somewhere it could be appreciated more..

This bag moved over to couch, and it got some plastic surgery too.

My new pillow rocks!

btw-I didn't use a flash and that's why the pics are soooooo yellowish. =/ oh well.

Monday, May 2, 2011

baby onesies

Baby Showers are so much fun. Delicious food, hilarious games and great people…who can ask for more? I went to two baby showers for my friends Ryan & Jodi who are having a baby boy very soon. Mike and I bought them a diaper genie and something else, I forget :/ but I kinda wanted our gift to stand out at the second shower. I was certain they were going to get hundreds of presents like the first one (I’m not even exaggerating) so I decided on a custom gift.

I love customizing stuff. Maybe because I have a complex since I have one of the weirdest names in the world and I can never find stuff with my name on it. I’ve always had to put my name on things myself :(. Well, they’re picking a great name for the baby so I’m sure he won’t have any problems with tourist knickknacks, but I still wanted to do something special. And then I thought of his parents.

Adorable! :)
These 2 particular people are a part of two very different (friend) crews. One is called the H.H.C (Hi Hater Crew) and the other is the Embute Crew. I researched the parents to see if either crew had logos already made, but I wasn’t finding anything so I made my own logos for them lol. I did take inspiration from some of the things they posted on their facebook pages like a hand print and a softball team t-shirt and kinda made it my own. I did some Photoshop roughs of them and sent them to Mike for feedback, after he ok’ed everything that’s when the fun began.

Mike bought some baby onesies and I used iron on sheets to transfer them onto the material. I made 5 in total with some different designs on each.

Mike and I both loved how they turned out and I was sooooooo excited to give it to them, but it fell on the day of my friends surprise Bridal Shower, so I sent Mike to represent for the both of us with the gift .But I heard they loved it ;) I also designed the candy wrappers, which I thought would make a cute onesie :)

And as for the Bridal Shower, I had a blast…look at my picture.

Yes, I really did make my present match my dress lol.
It made the bride & groom to be laugh …mission accomplished :)