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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

nice antelope head

When I read blogs I go into a trance. Seriously, if I’m looking for ideas or just glancing at pages I’m completely disconnected from the world. I love looking at what other bloggers/designers/interior decorators are doing and what I can learn from them. I’ve noticed a lot of people are decorating their homes with animal trophy heads. I actually really like the look of them, but not the old school ones that your grandfather killed on his hunting trip. I’m talking a new sleek modern take on the trophy head. Z Gallery has the one I want. How cute is this?

But, since I’m living on pennies I couldn’t splurge on this cute sculpture *insert sad face*. So I let my dream go. I kept on looking at pages and found this amazing post on designsponge.
Yes my friends…that’s a hand made animal head you’re looking at.

When I saw this all I could think was

I think it’s way cooler than my Z Gallery one and it’s one of a kind!

Well, you guys know how I am …I can never pass up a handmade one of a kind ;)

I looked at her tutorial but I didn’t want to buy new stuff. I wanted this to be a free project so I opted for different materials. I went through my closet and grabbed 5 wire hangers, went in my garage and took a small cardboard box and went into the kitchen and took a couple jewel bags and old newspapers.

Then I just eyeballed it. I googled a picture of an antelope and made the neck with the cardboard, took the plastic bags and filled them up with crunched up newspapers for the head and bent some wire hangers for the ears and antlers.

I’m pretty happy with the structure so far. It really looks like an antelope head! Today I’m going to paper mache it, and see how it goes. Hopefully it won’t be too hard to put some details in.

Wish me luck!

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