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Saturday, February 19, 2011

my tiffany's bedroom

I've always liked the look of a romantic bedroom.
Who wouldn't love waking up in plush bed sheets and
pulling gauzy curtains to the side to let the sun shine in?

I know I would :)

Look at the pics....*sigh*

Love Love LOVEEEE!

I have a Tiffany's Blue bedroom with all white furniture.
I would say it's my versionof semi-romantic :)
Here is a panoramic view I put together of my bedroom.
(sorry it's terrible this is my first one)

Here's some of my faves in my bedroom

1. My jewelry case. My mom gave it to me and it's where I keep my bangles.

2. My Dudero lamp

3. These flower centerpieces. My friend Andrea made them for her daughters birthday party, aren't they gorgeous?? I loved them so much I took 2!
Shhh, don't tell ;) They're hanging from my bed posts.

4. My Edward Cullen pillow. *sigh* I love my pillow....

but my boyfriend prefers Edward covered with this one.

5. & 6. A pic of me and mommy and my piggy bank.

7. My babies. My Helzberg teddy bear that my boo gave me Christmas 09
(along with a stunning necklace) and my Minnie Mouse doll my brothers
girlfriend gave me. (I'm a huge disney freak in case you don't know).
8. My window sill. It's filled with treasures :)

(My painting...it's a Ginny Original)

see all my Disney stuff? :)

9. My shoe rack. It's only in here because it didn't fit in my closet.

10. My jewelry pole.
It's hung up by those ceiling poles, and it's such a space saver.
Plus, it just looks pretty.

And here's the lady who inspired my bedroom.
Thanks for taking a tour of my room :D

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