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Monday, March 21, 2011


We finally painted Mike's room!!!

Me, being the loving girlfriend that I am went straight to his house after work on Friday and started painting. My goal was to paint everything before he got home, but alas I only got 2 walls done...womp womp. But it was a good start because after our dinner break it only took us until 10 p.m. to finish painting and cleaning up. The next day he hung up his curtains and I went through his dressers and closet and threw away soooo much crap. I swear the boy is cute but he is a huge pack rat! Ugh!
So after I went through everything and threw it all out we built a storage system my mom bought for him and put his jeans in it. I don't know if that's going to be in there forever, but it's better than all his jeans sitting on a computer chair like it was previously lol.

More pics will be up soon! :)


  1. Great video! I like your site as well!...Daniel

  2. Thank you so much! Keep checking back for more updates :D
