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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

go ahead, step all over me :)

I bought this doormat last year. I’ve never ever liked it, but it was one of those “I’m going to get the first one I see” type of things. It looks really grandma-ish to me so I thought I would finally change that. I read a couple of blogs that talked about people painting their doormats and thought I would give it shot.
I had black stain left over from a previous project and used that to paint my doormat. I painted it using a foam brush and let it dry overnight. I’m not totally in love with it, but it looks wayyyyy better than it did before. What do you think?

bright red

I've always wanted a red front door.
I’m pretty sure when I buy my first home that’s one of the first things I’ll paint. But since I don’t have my own house or own front door (one of the downfalls of a garden apartment) I decided to paint the upstairs exterior door. Now before I get into the story let me start off by saying that our front door was crying for a new coat of paint. When we first moved in....12 or so years ago, we had a beautiful (painted) brown wooden door. Over the years the paint job started to chip and wear off and guess what color was shining through? GREEN!!! And not just any green, it’s like a mint green. Who has a mint green front door??? Anyways, I showed my mom the paint, just to see what her reaction would be and thankfully it was good :). Now that I had the a-ok, I grabbed my stuff and went to work.
The first thing I did was sand the door down. I wanted to get as much of the paint off as possible to make the painting process easier. After about 20 minutes of my hand sander shaking my entire body (it’s really strong) I decided it was done and wiped it down with a wet cloth. Then came the grueling paint job.
I thought it would take 1 coat for the door, to which I was sadly mistaken. I painted Thursday night from 6-9 (just in time to watch Jersey Shore) and the brown was still showing through. On Saturday I painted another 2 coats and finally on Sunday the last coat. I had to scratch off all the red I got on the glass, lock and knob but I think it looks stunning. I’m pretty sure Elizabeth Arden would approve.
Check out the pics :D

This is just the beginning of the front porch update. I plan on re-painting the outer edges of the door white, grabbing some flower pots and getting new address numbers. I’ll keep you guys posted with the updates.

*Post Update*
This is the red paint I used for the door.

Monday, March 21, 2011


We finally painted Mike's room!!!

Me, being the loving girlfriend that I am went straight to his house after work on Friday and started painting. My goal was to paint everything before he got home, but alas I only got 2 walls done...womp womp. But it was a good start because after our dinner break it only took us until 10 p.m. to finish painting and cleaning up. The next day he hung up his curtains and I went through his dressers and closet and threw away soooo much crap. I swear the boy is cute but he is a huge pack rat! Ugh!
So after I went through everything and threw it all out we built a storage system my mom bought for him and put his jeans in it. I don't know if that's going to be in there forever, but it's better than all his jeans sitting on a computer chair like it was previously lol.

More pics will be up soon! :)

mirror mirror on the table :)

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven’t blogged in a while but I got some new projects to share with you. The first being my plain white ikea night tables.

I’ve always loved the look of mirrored bedroom furniture. Pier 1 carries this gorgeous Hayworth collection that is to die for, but the prices also make me want to die lol.

Maybe if I buy 1 piece every couple months I could get the whole set but then again, I’m an instant gratification kinda person and I just can’t wait.

Well one day I was in my garage and found this shiny silver contact paper and a light bulb went off. I brought it inside and measured out strips to put on my nightstand. After 1 hour of cutting everything to size and xacto-knifing everything perfectly I have to say, I’m extremely pleased with the results. Doesn’t it look better?? I didn’t want to put any of the contact paper on the top because I didn’t want the “tape lines” running across the top and because I still wanted them to match the rest of the furniture. I think I'll do the dresser handles next....

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