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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bathroom Progress

Hello all! Isn’t this weather scary? I never noticed how scary a thunderstorm is when you have giant windows. I swear, at one point I thought the lightning was going to come through the window and strike me.

Anywho…I’m back with photos of my bathroom. We’re still very much in progress, but we did manage to find some decorations that matched the mood board. I’m still fighting with Mike about the “girly canvas”, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to win this battle. Mainly because it really makes the bathroom pop with just the right amount of glamour.

Please disregard my terrible photography skills. There isn’t a window in the bathroom, so we don’t have any natural light. I’m still learning how to use my camera and I have no idea how to white balance it. Blah. Hopefully I learn soon so you will be able to fully appreciate what I’m trying to show the blog world.

Here’s a peek of our blue little bathroom. We pretty much found everything at Marshalls. The shower curtain was $15, the adorable towels were on clearance for $5 each (score!!!), the soap/lotion dish was $8, and the candle was from Kohls and was $15.

Not pictured: mason jars - which I got from Michael's Crafts. The are currently doing a wonderful job at holding our qtips, cotton balls and razors. 

Side note - hilarious story...

So the bathroom needed some paint touch ups due to the spackling/patching. I asked our landlord if he had the paint. He told me he did and gave me a bucket of blue paint. I told Mike to touch up a spot on the wall while I was at work. Well ladies and gentlemen...I come home to a huge blotch of paint on the wall. You can see in the photo where Mike was supposed to paint, and he decided to paint a huge square! Needless to say our landlord gave us the wrong paint. 

We went back and asked him for another can of blue paint. He gave us another one that was darker than the first. And look where Mike painted it!!! Instead of painting it on the large blue square he already painted, he decided to make another little section of the wrong paint. Hahaha...I died laughing. He is so funny.

Sorry for the terrible image quality, I took these photos on my phone.

Our landlord finally told us he didn't have the paint anymore for the bathroom. Insert sad face here! Well we just had to make do. We went to Lowes and picked up a whole bunch of paint swatches. I picked up the closest ones and taped them up. We stared at the swatches for maybe an hour and picked the one that we felt looked exactly like our paint. We chose Honesty by Olympic paint.

I was a bit nervous when Mike started painting because it looked too light, but as soon as it dried it was as if nothing was ever there. Problem solving is pretty much what we do. Whoop whoop! Hope you like the bathroom!

1 comment:

  1. We all make mistakes and glad to hear that you just laughed it all off. Maybe, it was a sign that you needed to give your bathroom wall a new paint. Anyway, all's well that ends well. Mike did it right and properly the second time around. He deserves a pat on the back for a job well done.

    -Jared Sands @ DesMoinesIowaContractor
