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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Taylor Swift T!

Everyone knows I'm a hugeeeeee Taylor Swift fan. My boyfriend bought me tickets to go to her concert and I wanted to wear something awesome, so obviously I wanted to design a t-shirt :) I've always loved the  Jesus is my homeboy shirts, so I made a play off that shirt. And so the "Taylor Swift is my homegirl" t-shirt was born. 

I wore it to her concert, and got a lot of stares and pointing from teen girls. I don't know if they were making fun of me or actually liked my shirt. I'm going to stick with the latter lol ;)

I posted my tshirt on my facebook page with the tagline "Some might say this is blasphemy, but I call it being a Super Fan." Turns out two of my grammar school friends wanted to buy the shirt! I made them but thought I should present it to them in a cute way. This is how I gave it to them.

 I hope they are enjoying their Taylor T's! 

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