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Saturday, June 25, 2011

rosette pillow tutorial

I’ve never been able to spend more than $10 on a throw pillow. Call me crazy, but spending anything over $10 for something that is going to get squished and tossed around all the time just doesn’t seem right to me. Plus, throw pillows have always been ugly to me, same old boring colors and patterns 
until I saw this.

This rosette pillow is absolutely GORGEOUS! The color, style and texture of this pillow was lovely, but the price was ridiculous! I was/am not paying $25 for 1 pillow! I technically would have to spend $50 in total because, who only buys 1 pillow?

Needless to say, I was just not feeling that price. =/

Months went by and every time I would go to Target, I would find myself wandering into the furniture department looking for that beautiful pillow. It was always there, waiting for me like mans best friend…but I still didn’t want to spend the mula. So I left Target every single time with a little less of my soul. (Yes, I’m dramatic lol)

So I thought and I thought and said WHY DON’T I JUST MAKE ONE?!? And so I did. :)

When I first bought my couch it came with 2 standard pillows. The design was not my style so I made pillowcases out of that yellow material I seem to use in every project lol. The pillows stayed plain for 10 months until I got the idea to add little rosettes to them. 

The first thing I did was cut strips of yellow material. I did 6” long by 2” wide and added a drop of hot glue on some felt. I attached the yellow material and twirled it into a flower shape. I kept adding hot glue as I went to hold it down and kept twirling until I ran out of material. I let it set for a few minutes, then cut the flower from the felt. I did this 7 or 8 times and added them to the pillows.

I felt like there was way too much yellow, so I took an old white t-shirt and did the same thing. Now my pillows have yellow and white flowers.

Now I love them.... and the best part is it was FREE :)