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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

ribbon wedding bouquet

I just loveeee weddings!

Sorry I haven’t been blogging but I’ve been super busy in my friends wedding. She’s actually getting married this Saturday so I thought I would fit one little post in my crazy schedule.

Last month she had a Surprise Bridal Shower where she received a zillion gifts. The room was drowning in gift-wrap and purple ribbons…I mean, it was everywhere! So the bridesmaids grabbed all the ribbons and kept them on the side. I took them home and made a ribbon bouquet for her to hold on her Wedding Rehearsal day, which was today.

[All the ribbons]

I went to Michaels (of course) and bought a foam ball and flower tape. I made the ribbons in the shape of flowers and glued them to the ball. 

You can see that I not only used the purple ribbons but also the big gift bows too. I then took the stem part off another fake bouquet, bent it in half and stuck that into the foam ball and taped it with the flower tape to stay secure. For the “leaf” parts I used the curly ribbons to finish it off.

She finally got to hold it today, and she looked great with it ;)

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