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Friday, April 29, 2011

graduating soon!

So what did you guys think of the Royal Wedding? I loved it; but then again I’m a self proclaimed Princess :)

So as some of you may have read on my profile, I’m a recent college grad. I finished school back in December but I have to wait until May 15th to walk the stage with the rest of the 2010/2011 graduates…and I’m really excited! I finally get to enjoy my B.F.A degree soon, that is unless my mother steals my diploma and puts it in her room (which I’m sure she will.)

The school sent us order forms for grad announcements, and I have to say they were so.....boring. Don’t get me wrong, they weren’t ugly but they were just too traditional for my taste. So instead of ordering announcements I wasn’t fond of, I decided to design the announcements myself. For those of you who don’t know, I’m also a graphic designer ---> check out my online portfolio (This is just some of the work I’ve done, I also have a printed version.)

Since I went to an art school, I felt I should honor someone I looked up to.
Look who I picked.

Yes, I picked THE MAN! I am the biggest Disney fan ever and felt it only appropriate to choose him.

I love one of his quotes and based my entire design on it. I made it in Photoshop and InDesign (look at the little cap on Walt lol). I’m glad I designed it myself…it’s so “me”.

Sorry, I had to block out some of the info…there’s a lot of crazies out there! lol

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