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Monday, January 31, 2011

chair updating

Whenever there is extra furniture at my office I'm always the first one to ask "can I have it?". We had an extra office chair that was just literally floating around from corner to corner and I finally asked if I could take it home. My boss said yes and now I feel a project coming on.

This is the chair. It's your standard boring office chair that lacks personality.
(Ignore the mess...I'm still moving stuff around :P )

After being super inspired by these photos......

.....I decided to use this left over cloth to reupholster it. Isn't it gorgeous? :)

I'm planning on painting the chair a bright pink or dark brown to match the cloth. I watched a couple of tutorials on youtube about reupholstering chairs and it doesn't look that hard.
Wish me luck peeps...I'll post pics when I do it.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

my dance floor

I have to go back to the beginning of the story for this post.

When I first moved in my apartment it had maroon carpeted floors. I absolutely hated the color of it but my boyfriend hated the smell of it. He said the carpets were bad and that the carpet pad underneath was probably moldy. I hated the thought of ripping up the carpet but I also didn't want to die from breathing in mold soooooo we took the carpet out of the entire place.
I wanted to die when we did that because the cement floor had huge cracks in it and it was totally uneven and just one big mess. My mom got a friend to redo the cement floors and evened it out. Around that time I was into reading blogs and read one about painting cement floors. I thought it was a great idea and fit into my budget. I picked out a chocolate brown paint and went to work. When it dried....it looked MAROON! Ugh I was sooooo upset lol.
It started to look nice once I brought in my furniture and rolled out my carpet. I was actually starting to like it, but then I made a choice that changed everything.

I decided to have a halloween party.

The party was soooo much fun and I loved it but that's also when everything went downhill. The paint started to chip it started to look horrible.
I had to do something fast and cheap.

That's when I took a trip to Lowes and saw this cute/cheap wood wannabe dance floor tile. I bought a few boxes and went back home to start tiling.

It's almost finished, I think I need one more box to do the edges but it looks GREAT. Lovesssss it and it looks sooo much better than before.

basket update

My basket is finished and it looks magnifique!

Even though I said my bathroom has a French thing going on, I think the basket looks more

haha...oh well. ;)

I still don't like the negative space above it so I'm thinking of painting this in. I photoshopped it to see what it might look like....and I don't think it looks half bad. Should I go for it?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

painting baskets

The best thing about having your own tiny apartment is having your own bathroom. My bathroom is beautiful, not literally, but I love it so much. No sharing shampoo, no gross hair clogging up the drain…none of that crap. I don’t think I can ever go back to sharing a bathroom lol.

I was cleaning my bathroom yesterday and decided to tidy up my shelves. A long, long time ago there were bi-fold doors covering that nook, but they stupidly took them off. Now I’m left with showing all my guests my hair stuff, perfumes, q-tips…everything your supposed to hide. I also didn’t know what to do with the awkward space on the bottom. Nothing really fits in there so I just had my cleaning products there.

It’s very subtle but can you tell the difference? I put some stuff in the medicine cabinet and threw some stuff out that I didn’t need anymore. Do you like what I did with the nook? I put one of my random baskets there to hold some towels. I really liked it….but……I hated the color. It didn’t match with my white and gray Paris thing I had going, so I spray-painted it.

I took it to my work dungeon and sprayed it down with my white spray. (Yes that is a teletubby in the background) Here’s what it looks like so far. It’s grabbing pretty well but I’m going to do 1 or 2 more coats. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

genius idea

Look how this person cleverly hid their wire. Yeah, I'll definitely be doing this soon. :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

wall art

It pains me to say this, but I designed my living room all wrong. I moved in here with a "club house" mentality. I thought it was going to be the place where everyone hung out...and I was totally wrong. I've lived here now for about 6 months now and no one really comes over lol. It's more of a hangout for me and my boyfriend, which got me rethinking the layout.

Right now I have a couch, love seat and bubble chair which is WAY TOO MUCH seating for just 2 people. I'm thinking of taking out the love seat and replacing it with a high dining table that seats 2. I would love to find a glass table, but no luck yet :( Anyways, since my living room is bright white I'm trying to think of unique wall art to hang above the future dining table. I want something really colorful and inviting...something like these.

Although, wouldn't it be awesome to have a giant scrabble art piece??

book browsing

We've been studying...

Bedroom makeover coming soon.....

Monday, January 24, 2011


I've been waiting for this day for a few weeks now because......a new episode of Gossip Girl finally aired! Yes, I am a hugeeee fan of the show, not only because of Ed Westwick aka Chuck Bass or the gorgeous fashions shown, but because of the amazing interior decorating.

Christina Tonkin is the set decorator for Gossip Girl and she has been doing a fabulous job for years. I wish she would decorate my apartment. Check out the pics...*drool*

-gossip girl

valentines day craft

I guess it's a good day to blog because I'm sick in bed :(
I wanted to share this Valentine's Day craft that could be given to anyone...boyfriend, girlfriend, kids, cousins...blah blah. It's just a little something that you can make in a few minutes that someone can keep forever :)

All you need is a wood block, vday related wrapping paper, scissors, a bow (not shown lol) tape and computer paper.

If you decide to make one, send me a pic and I'll post it ;)