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About Me

Well let’s see here…

My name is Ginny Art. No…not really, but it sounds way cooler than my real name so we’ll stick to that.  I’m an artsy fartsy 24 year old who just graduated from Columbia College. After 4.5 years of being busy and buried alive in homework, I finally have some free time.  I have to admit I didn’t really know what to do with myself the first couple weeks out of school, so I thought I would do something productive.

Being productive meant paying attention to my new place.  My little garden apartment needed some serious TLC.  That’s when a light bulb went off…I thought why not blog about it?  And so ginnyart.blogspot.com was born.

When I’m not trying to re-design the world you can catch me hanging with my boyfriend.  We’ve been together for 6 years, and he occasionally helps me fix things around my apartment.

You can also find me with the besties. They’ve also assisted with the prepping and painting of my bachelorette pad.

That’s just a little snippet about me…keep reading my blog for more :)